Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Windows 8 book authors dish on Windows 8

I try not to comment too much on Windows as I haven't used any version since XP for more than a few minutes. I found Windows 8 book authors dish on Windows 8 to be pretty interesting.

"So I thought it would be interesting to ask my fellow authors of the most popular Windows 8 books what they really thought about Windows 8. (Only Paul Thurrot didn't chime in, as he was on vacation.) Although I know many of them personally, the results still surprised me, not just because they're quite thorough, but also because they're so diverse. Like the blind men and the elephant [1], no two Windows authors see the product the same way -- and their combined observations lend a new dimension to the ongoing Windows 8 debate. On the following pages, in their own words, are the 14 book authors' candid opinions about Windows 8."

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