Thursday, April 19, 2007

More on Gonzales v. Carhart

Other's far more knowledgable than me have managed to read the decision and have posted their views.

Michael C. Dorf summaries the important points in Supreme Court Partial Birth Abortion Ruling far more briefly than I managed.

Dahlia Lithwick in Slate writes Father Knows Best, Dr. Kennedy's magic prescription for indecisive women rips apart Kennedy's decision and I have to say it seems pretty fair.

Steve at Eminent Domain talks about Why the Concurrence Says More than the Majority. He walks through all 4 sentences and finds lots of questions.

Law Professor Michael Stokes Paulsen was in the middle of teaching the relevant precedent when the decision came out and his students (online on their laptops) informed him. In The Pernicious Doctrine of Stare Decisis. He make a case that's a little over my head that precedence is not a good a doctrine because it leads judges to decide cases against the way they think they should. I'll have to read this again.

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