Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bush Spoke, I heard Jon Stewart

Bush is talking now and taking questions.  I'm watching on NBC and I can hear Jon Stewart's voice in my head as Bush behaves like an idiot.  

After his statement he said "Now I'll be glad to take any questions you have starting with AP Person.  And yes he did glance down as he said this.  It's an "I, state your name" kind of moment.  Yes there was laughter and he followed it by saying "That would be you Terry", but I was reminded of CJ seeding the reporters with easy questions.

The question was that Iraq interim 
Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said Iraq was in Civil War, does Bush agree.  He said "I do not.  There are other voices coming out of Iraq by the way, other than Mr. Allawi, who I know by the way.  Like.  He's a good fellow."  Well I would hope that Bush knew the Interim PM of Iraq.  I can hear Jon Stewart going "heh heh".

Wow, there's a lot to say about this performance.  More posts coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for The Daily Show tonight :)...