Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A Nomination in Trouble?

I like what People For the American Way stands for, but A Nomination in Trouble on SaveTheCourt.org is a very biased piece against Alito. Still it's useful as a list of the things that will undoubtedly come up in Jan.

Many of the items in question come from his 1985 job application to the position of Deputy Assistant to Attorney General Edwin Meese, which he held from 1985-1987. Alito has said that it was a job application so you shouldn't give it too much weight to his own opinions, others retort that that in and of itself doesn't speak highly of him. Then again, it was 20 years ago, and aren't you supposed to do things like tailor your resume for specific jobs?

I've already written about his decisioin in Casey. Unfortunately most of the article's I've seen aren't as balanced (if I do say so myself). I still haven't been able to find the 3rd Circuit's decision and would like to.

Anyway, it's good that stuff is coming out. I'll reserve judgement until the hearings.

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