Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Fighting over Funding the Troops

Bush said today that "It has now been 57 days since I requested that Congress pass emergency funds for our troops...In a time of war it’s irresponsible for the Democratic leadership in Congress to delay for months on end while our troops in combat are waiting for the funds"

Think Progress points out "During the reign of the Do-Nothing 109th Congress, Bush submitted two major supplemental spending requests." One took 86 days and the other 119 days. And Bush didn't call them irresponsible.

Everyone is now trying to help the Democrats in their talking points.

Joshua Micah Marshall says they should say "The president is vetoing the bill to set a timeline to get out of Iraq" because he supports staying there forever and the public is opposed to it. A reader suggests to him it should be "The president is vetoing the bill to provide money for soldiers -- readiness, health care, armaments, etc and a timeline to get out of Iraq."

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) doesn't need much help because he said this gem: "If the President vetoes this bill he will have delayed funding for troops and kept in place his strategy for failure."

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