Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Paul Ryan, Poverty Warrior? Huh?

Jared Bernstein on Paul Ryan, Poverty Warrior? Huh?

"You learn that Ryan’s ‘…been quietly visiting inner-city neighborhoods…to talk to ex-convicts and recovering addicts about the means of their salvation.’  And that he and his staff have ‘…been trolling center-right think tanks and intellectuals for ideas to replace the ‘bureaucratic, top-down anti-poverty programs’ that Ryan blames for ‘wrecking families and communities’ since Lyndon B. Johnson declared a war on poverty in 1964.’

Then you read page after page, trying to figure out what the dude is actually saying he’d do to lower poverty, and here’s what you’re left with: vouchers, tax credits, and volunteerism. All sizzle, no steak. And is that not the story of Rep. Ryan?"

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