Thursday, October 24, 2013

Whither iWork?

I haven't installed Mavericks yet but I probably will soon. I'm curious about the updated iWork apps but I keep hearing about missing features. The lists of complaints I've seen include missing customizable toolbars and format bars, but that seems to be missing the point of the new sidebar. Also I didn't even know they had AppleScript support so losing that isn't a big deal to me (and I haven't seen an interesting example of what people were using it for).

I've seen complaints about Numbers loosing some advanced sorting functionality that I might find myself missing but the only one that really resonates for me is losing custom formats. In my fantasy baseball sheets I created an AVG format that was 3 decimal places and no leading zero. Not a biggie, but in charts in my movie lists I created a format to display labels on bar charts but to display nothing if the value is zero. This made some charts look much better but custom formats weren't supported on iOS. When opening the sheet on iOS there was a notice saying it couldn't handle them and gave me the option of removing them or creating a copy of the sheet without them, which seemed fair. And that leads me to...

Whither iWork? "The fact that iWork on the Mac has lost functionality isn't because Apple is blind to power users. It's because they're willing to make a short-term sacrifice in functionality so that they can create a foundation that is equal across the Mac, iOS, and web versions. It will take time to bring these new versions of iWork up to parity with what the Mac used to have. In the meantime all platforms have to live with the lowest common denominator."

While I agree with the sentiment I'm not sure I agree with the specifics. At least with custom formats, they already coped with different support on different platforms in a graceful way and rather than adding support on iOS they removed it from OS X. Lame. I also understand they removed the Outline View and the search panel, which had nothing to do with file format compatibility.

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