Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is John Boehner doing a good job as speaker?

Rachel Maddow last night postulated that John Boehner is bad at his job.

"In the clip above, Maddow makes a detailed case that he's simply bad at his job. And she's got a lot of evidence: He's been rolled by the tea party again and again. He's had to break a number of his own rules. He's lost a number of key votes. He's made some serious verbal gaffes ("so be it."). He's used some funny numbers. Despite his promise to "disagree without being disagreeable," his Twitter feed is laughably partisan. He stuck something that looks a whole lot like an earmark in the spending bill. The House is a more chaotic, less predictable place under his leadership. Nancy Pelosi was clearly better at uniting her party and passing legislation than Boehner is."

That's from Ezra Klein's followup Is John Boehner doing a good job as speaker?. He adds that his being more open as he promised, even if it costs him things.

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