Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Vacation Daze

GOOD has an infographic, Vacation Daze. "Did you take vacation this summer? If you did, it was because your company generously allowed you a few paid vacation days. Unlike buinesses in these other countires [sic] (all members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), U.S. companies are not required to give employees time off. Despite working some of the longest hours in the world, we take very little vacation. no wonder you're feeling burnt out.

The graphic is done as small multiples with tons of chart junk. Here's my version from iWork Numbers:

Screen shot 2010-09-08 at 9.16.08 PM.png


Richard said...

Your chart is much better.

But could you just fill in some paper clips in the columns. Ugh!

Vacation in the US isn't mandated, but companies need to give it to remain competitive with the other companies that do. Granted I would rather have more vacation than almost any other benefit, including raising my salary.

Megs said...

Vive la France :)