Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Best Foreign Language Science Fiction Movies

The best foreign language science fiction movies "It's not difficult to dig up a list of the 'best science fiction movies' on the internet - but for those of us in the States they're always very English language-centric. Sure, you'll usually get Metropolis on the list and maybe Akira, but for the most part foreign sci-fi films are rarely as appreciated as their big-budget Hollywood equivalents. There's no logic in this - it's not like there aren't any foreign language science fiction movies. Due to the technical limitations and astounding budgets, there are certainly less, but the ones we do get over here can still be fantastic films. Since they don't usually have the money behind them, they can't just rely on special effects like US films tend to, they actually need to tell a convincing story. This list leaves out the above-mentioned films, which have already received more than enough credit."

i've seen:

8. The Host (South Korea) - okay, some great scenes
6. La Jetée (France) - interesting for an experimental short
5. Alphaville (France) - didn't care for it
3. Timecrimes (Spain) - loved it

A friend recently recommended:

2. Fantastic Planet (France)

Anyone seen any of the others?

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