Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The White House Blogs Facts

I really like that The White House in Facts Are Stubborn Things is using the internet to try to stop disinformation about health care reform. I wish it would go a little further.

Rather than just allude to the disinformation, show the clips that are going around, show Fox news clips with lies about health care reform. Jon Stewart did a wonderful job last night in calling out the lies about the "Cash for Clunkers" program, particularly in describing The Crank Cycle about how Fox states something, a viewer restates it and then fox reports on the restating:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Master Rebators - The Crank Cycle

Maybe the White House shouldn't stoop down to calling out the media, maybe you just show lies the republican congressmen and senators are saying.

Also I wish they would be a little more truthful and comprehensive, it would make them more convincing and give the opposition less ammunition to use. The fact of the matter is that today, most Americans can't necessarily keep health insurance or doctors they like. Since they get their health insurance via the employer, if the employer changes plans, most likely to save costs, the employee is forced to change. As near as I can tell, that won't change in the current proposals. It is different if you get your own insurance independent of an employer, or are in a successful government run plan like Medicare or the VA or if we had a single payer system.

1 comment:

Kate said...

That piece showing the Cycle from Fox to crazy town hall lady back to Fox again was v well done-and infuriating.