Saturday, March 21, 2009

New MA Law: Leave a Lane Around Emergency Situations

New law requires motorists to change lanes to avoid emergency vehicles. MA is the 44th state to enact such a law.

"A new law -- dubbed the 'Slow Down, Move Over' law -- goes into effect Sunday. The law asks drivers approaching emergency situations to leave the lane closest to the incident, if possible, and slow down to a reasonable rate of speed."

And really, why weren't you doing this already?

1 comment:

DKB said...

When Texas passed this law, I was surprised that it wasn't already a law. It was the way I was taught to drive, though in retrospect it was probably something my father taught, rather than the driver's ed instructor. It just makes good sense, but the number of police-camera videos of police cars and/or the car they stopped to cite or assist being struck by passing vehicles shows why it's necessary. It is probably more useful to punish morons after the fact than to actually prevent such accidents, I'm afraid, but it's at least useful.