Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Costanza Energy Policy: 25 Ways to Drive Oil to $150

Also in my queue a while, The Big Picture wrote The Costanza Energy Policy: 25 Ways to Drive Oil to $150.

"The United States is heavily  dependent on fossil fuels (>80%), most of which come from places we would rather not send our money to. We consume 26% of the world's energy, with only 3% of the world’s known oil reserves. It turns out that for the past 3 decades, we've had a George Costanza Energy policy -- every decision we have made as a country has worked to drive energy prices higher. Had we made the opposite decisions, Crude Oil prices would be much lower than they are today ($130.17 as I type this).  What follows is a list of energy-related policies of the United States."

This is absurd, yet this is what we have. You also get a bonus Seinfeld clip.

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