Monday, June 16, 2008

Chris Matthews Tears Up Kevin James on Hardball

I had missed this, but on the May 15th Hardball Chris Matthews (who I'm normally not a fan of) exposes that Kevin James is calling Obama an appeaser but doesn't know what the word means. Seriously. And this guy has a right-wing talk radio show of his own in Los Angeles. This clip starts getting fun 4 mins in.


The Dad said...

Holy crap that was painful, and is a perfect demonstration of why I cannot watch ANY of those shows. I have no idea who Kevin James is, but started the video wondering if you were referring to the guy from King Of Queens :-)

My biggest problem with these shows is the fact that no one lets anyone get a word in edgewise. Why is this a good "news" format? While James did a good job making himself look like a moron, when you've got an interviewer who interrupts absolutely EVERY sentence you try to make three times, it's tough not to look like an idiot.

Makes me want to go turn on NPR.

Howard said...

I had no idea who Kevin James was either. The only TV news I watch is: Keith Olbermann, The News Hour on PBS, and the Daily Show (and sometimes Colbert).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this is a perfect example though of how it pays to be informed BEFORE you go into a debate, especially on national TV.