Sunday, April 06, 2008


I'm tired of all this talk of how will the superdelegates vote or decide to vote. I think it's a dumb system but it is straight forward. States elect delegates whose votes will represent the votes of the people. The superdelegates can vote however they want. Saying they need to vote in a way to echo the popular vote is ridiculous and that goes both ways. (1) They shouldn't have to vote the way their state votes (and how is that supposed to work since the democratic primaries in the states do proportional allocation). (2) If they do vote the way their state voted, that's not necessarily the cause.

He's a shocker, the superdelegates will vote the way everyone votes, for the candidate they like best, for whatever reason that is. Maybe they've analyzed the positions, maybe they like an overall message, maybe they like the way one speaks or looks, maybe a candidate promised them something, maybe they dislike an ad or a speech or an attack or maybe they have a litmus test. However they do it the superdelegates will pick their candidate. And my guess, given we have two strong candidates, is that the superdelegates will vote in a similar proportion as the elected delegates, why would it be much different? So Obama will win by a little as he's pretty much consistently done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One could argue that since the super delegates are tied to the established party, they would be less likely to vote Obama who might follow his conscience rather than toe the party line.