Thursday, August 09, 2007

Mr. B Natural

Somehow I was recently reminded of a great episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, when they did the short film, Mr. B Natural. If you don't know MST3K was a tv show that showed a usually bad old film with 3 people (well one person and two robots) watching it and making (hysterical) comments. This is brilliant, one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Remember the film was real and done seriously.

"Conform. Conform."

"Why does my kid have to be such a dud? I was popular."

"Spanking time!"

"Uh, Mr. B, what would you know about dignity."

"I think Oscar Wilde only wished he were this gay."

"If you get near a song, play it"

"Well the old clock on the wall says that it's that's all from the Stridex Medicated Band hour"

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