Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pelosi Mommying Bush?

Bob Geiger has an article in The Huffington Post Pelosi Simply Being A Good Parent To Bush where he describes the president as a child since "Throughout his unfortunate presidency, Bush has shown that he does his best when surrounded by people who give him positive reinforcement, tell him how wonderful he is, deny him nothing and make it easy for him to run from hard work."

"Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice have had years to do the right thing and to care for America's security and prestige in the world by reaching out to all countries and, to paraphrase Sun Tzu, keeping our potential enemies closer than our friends. They have failed as miserably as they possibly could have. It can't hurt for Pelosi to go to Syria to open a dialog -- as did Senators Chris Dodd and John Kerry in 2006 -- and it can only help show our strength through assertive leadership, and that Democrats are doing what needs to be done in the total absence of coherent foreign policy from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."

Pelosi's response to Republican criticism is also good. "It's interesting because three of our colleagues, who are all Republicans, were in Syria yesterday and I didn't hear the White House speaking out about that. I think that it was an excellent idea for them to go. And I think it's an excellent idea for us to go, as well."

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