Saturday, February 03, 2007

Why We Can't Trust What Bush Says

Digby has a post explaining why we can't trust what the Bush administration says as it moves a 2nd aircraft carrier into the region and starts talking about Iran in its speeches.

Rumsfeld on May 24, 2002:

"The United States has no plans to invade Iraq or any other country, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Friday, but he refused to discuss the Bush administration's thinking about how to deal with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein"

Gates Feb 2, 2007:

"With respect to Iran, first of all, the president has made clear; the secretary of State has made clear; I've made clear -- nobody is planning -- we are not planning for a war with Iran."

And Cenk Uygur goes further, if they invade Iran we must impeach them. He cites a lot of articles and makes it clear, Iran supports the Shiites against the Sunnis. The Sunni are the ones attacking Americans. We're supporting the Shiite dominated government forces. Uygur actually points out enough reasons to impeach them now, we should listen.

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