Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Lies of Bush v. Clinton

I mostly like Andrew Sullivan, he usually offers a reasoned view of the issues. In Bush, Clinton, Lies he points out that Bush lied about torture and Clinton lied about having an affair. "The Republicans ridiculed Clinton for his linguistic somersaults - and even impeached him for it. They are mostly silent today. A telling contrast, I'd say."

"A telling contrast"?!?!? I think stronger words are appropriate. And many others have been saying similar things about other Bush's lies for several years now. Welcome to the party Andrew.

I doubt the Republicans will ever admit to their double standards. I still honestly don't care if Clinton lied about an affair. I do care about lies about torture, weapons of mass destruction, relating Iraq to 9/11, stem cell research (the number of viable lines allowed), global warming, the state of social security, etc. A telling contrast indeed.

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