Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Jon Stewart Redeems Himself on Gay Marriage

Jon Stewart did a brilliant job on covering the gay marriage debate on Tuesday's Daily Show. He had Bill Bennett (he of The Book of Virtues and gambling addiction fame) on his show hawking his new book America: The Last Best Hope. Stewart took the interview and debate seriously and it was wonderful. Bennett had no chance but took it well and gracefully. Honest discourse indeed. Some of Jon's best lines:

"But every time we draw limits, and the country has done it, and you make that point and everybody knows that, starting with slavery, which was, I think, a big limit, woman's sufferage, all that, each time there has been a battle to not allow that freedom, each time that battle was lost, and for the good of the country isn't this the next progression in that very same battle?"

"So why not encourage gay people to join in on that family arrangement if that is what provides stability to a society."

"It's a debate about whether you think gay people are part of the human condition or just a random fetish"

"Then let's go slippery slope the other way, if government says I can define marriage is between a man and a woman, what says they can't define it of people of different income levels or they can decide whether or not you are a suitable husband for a particular woman."

"Divorce is not caused because 50% of marriages end in gayness"

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