Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bush Says Terrorist Plot Foiled 4 Years Ago

So I find this very bizarre. Last October Bush mentioned 10 foiled terrorist plots and didn't say much more. Later that day the White House released a fact sheet about them. At the time they were mostly dismissed as they were old plots (two in 2004, the rest in 2002-3) and most were stopped early in the planning stage. Good stuff to be sure, but odd to be talking about it in Oct 2005.

Today, Bush Says Cooperation Foiled 2002 Terrorist Scheme referring back to the first one of the fact sheet. It was a plot to fly an airplane into the tallest building in Los Angeles (as well as West of the Mississippi). He gave more details as a cell was captured about 4 years ago in a Southeast Asian nation. Why is he telling us this now? To indirectly boost his NSA domestic spying program? He didn't say that program was used in this case. All he said was he was talking about it to highlight that the war on terrorism involves international cooperation. Great, maybe we'd be doing better if we weren't pissing off all our allies?

Oh and the plot was going to use Southeast Asian terrorists because as Bush said it was "believed [they] would not arouse as much suspicion". So much for profiling.

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