Thursday, January 12, 2006

Kennedy-Spector Fight

So you've probably heard of the blow out between Kennedy (D-MA) and Spector (R-PA) over stupid stuff. As some have already said, it was just embarrassing, think particularly for Kennedy. If you haven't seen it, the video is online.

The big hooha was over a letter Kennedy sent to Spector on Dec 22 asking the committee to request documents from CAP on Alito. Spector said he hadn't received it, but of course we now have a timeline for the whole exchange and Spector's office certainly had it.

This just seems like a big none-issue. The New York Times analysed all of this back on Nov 26 and it's hard to see anything that says CAP is representative of Alito's views. Particularly as there seems to be no other similar organization that he's been involved with.

Also, Kennedy's questioning of Alito about his membership in CAP reminded me of McCarthy questioning people's membership in the Communist Party. Maybe that's going too far, but Kennedy was over the top.

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