Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Theory of WMDs

Three years ago yesterday Bush gave a speech in Cincinnati outlining the reasons to go to war with Iraq. Think Progress has done a line-by-line fact check of the speech entitled Bush Misled Us Into War. It's pretty scary. Just about every reason given has been shown to be false.

So here's the thing, Bush used terms like: "clear evidence", "Knowing these realities", "evidence indicates", etc. Now since Bush feels Intelligent Design should be taught with equal standing as evolution I think we should use one of their tactics. Really, shouldn't he have called it "the theory of WMDs".

If Bush (and seemingly most of the country) actually understood what science was and what facts, hypotheses and theories are maybe we wouldn't have these problems. You're supposed to learn science in school, but even though Bush wanted to be the "education president", we fall behind the rest of the world in science test scores and put up with this crap.

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