Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hurricane Katrina - First Hand Experiences

Here are first hand experiences of Katrina. it's worth reading the whole thing. It answers some questions I had about why more people didn't walk out of the city or cross the Mississippi River. Absolutely appalling.

You know when you're stuck at an airport and you know the info they give you is a lie? This was the same thing only far worse. Why does this happen? Jack Nicholson doesn't apply in these situations, we can handle the truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, at first I was turned off by the clenched-fist logo and the designation of helpful womyn as "sheroes". But the story itself is compelling. I don't care about "dehumanizing" conditions on a bus, but preventing escape from a true disaster at gunpoint is inexcusable. If the troops guarding the people could get food and water, so could the people.

As Mr. Bush said, FEMA did "a heck of a job".